Monday, December 7, 2009

thoughts from thoughts


the split between the thought and the desire. Looking at the competition I find myself to be annoyed at the fact that now I have more work but yet wont receive a grade while at the same time excited that its going to happen and that im going to do it. Its this separation and conflict between what I want and my action and thoughts. I want to resolve this reoccurring conflict and bring my actions in to harmony with my thoughts. Who controls a larger selection of me? Or who has a more direct route to the core that is me. Along the way will I find that I exist somewhere in the middle or is there some neurosis that gives existence to either of the sides content of the thought or the content of the desire. This is the basis of this project.Not for the data received or facts or knowledge learned but the train of thought. The pathways and forms of examining ones thought. There are no facts that we know. We train ourselves to think of things and then we place these items in pathways. The items themselves are fairly arbitrary place holders along for the ride that the patterns of thought will travel on. These patterns of thoughts are constantly being reinforced by all of our actions.These patterns of thought are the basis of our personalities. Any event will be interpreted by these patterns of thought, aka our personalities, therefore any content that lies within the place holders remain secondary to the actual path being traveled. The patterns allow for the ego to say We will be mad at whatever, we will feel taken advantage, of we will feel confident about, we will feel rejected by all of these states of thought or moods can be and are filled in with whatever content that comes in contact with our lives.

Plato and other felt knowledge is not something we learn. It is something that once was known by all and that we are rediscovering. Socrates floats the idea that Knowledge is a matter of recollection, and not of learning, observation, or study. This works for me in that if all knowledge were known humans would be done as a unique species since our cognitive ability is paramount in our perceived dominance. However knowledge is something we choose to seek out based on who we are. It is a way to define our existence . What we track down and choose to know is who we are. Be it philosophy ,socializing, the events of a tv show, or religion we are determing ourselves by what we choose to pull out of the constant stream of information. It is difficult to not find relationships between the varieties of information available and corresponding elements of a collective unconscious.

This is the bases of my project. What new paths have I created? If the knowledge is arbitrary due to its preexisting presence in each person then the pathways remain the largest part of ones personality. It’s the separation of thoughts and personality and potentially thought and desire. It’s the freeing of signifigance of the individual points because individuality is simply a choice of path, if one accepts this then all pathways become feasible and acceptable.

how is this relevant to what was researched in the project? Many of the topics covered were of a new variety or perspective. Approaching and thinking of new perspectives and pathways increases the chance that a person will discover a new one within themselves. This is the power of new thought.

During this time, therefore I attribute it to the readings Ive been doing, I a developed a better understanding of the idea of the body as a vessel. That we do not have a permanent I but rather a collection of memories contained in a reoccurring yet constantly changing physical space we call the body. Again the idea of feelings and thought come to play. When a thought like this is understood there is an emotional awareness that exists as well. We can all say we understand the body as a vessel but to feel the change that comes over the body and mind when the ramifications of this become apparent is a closer for of understanding, possibly the difference between awareness and understanding. Terminology has yet to be determined.

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