Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Letter VI

Today I went around to the different department offices in Lawrence and collected office hours sheets for the different professors. The next step is to go to the open office hours and collect signatures.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Letter V

The past few days I have spent time writing a proposal, designing fliers, and looking into exterior dimensions. As of now it feels as though sticking with an interior contest would be best with hopes of an exterior contest if the interior goes well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Letter IV

well mother fucker hot damn. what do you get when you mix fire, potatoes, pie, pasta, people, soup, and other things? a good way to spend a sunday afternoon/evening. as it turns out a thing or two may have been learneded as well. for instance. bread can be cooked in a thick as pot placed in the coals of a fire with a bit o rotating due. need to work on the recipe a bit, would like it fluffier, but thats call learning. next up maybe we can build a proper fire oven, it's casserole time y'all.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Letter III

if numbness is an emotion than what is the lack of all emotion? how can one feel numb?

Letter II

Letter I

if optimism creates a sense of hope that fuels motivation resulting in failure should pessimism be called in off the bench?